About the Clinic
The Psychological Clinic has a long history of actualizing the University’s mission of training, research, and service to our students and the greater East Tennessee region. The Clinic has grown from its early days of providing services primarily for students at its first location on 1303 W. Cumberland Avenue. Since 2013, the Clinic has operated inside the UT Conference Center, Suite #208. Our tasteful office space and modern technology enables both in-person and remote training and service provision, which gives us the opportunity to serve more people with mental health needs. While we still provide care for UT students, upwards of eighty percent (80%) of the care rendered here is offered to the general public of Knoxville and our greater East Tennessee region.
If you are interested in receiving services you can call our main line, and ask to be screened by a student therapist. If you are eligible to receive services, you will be placed on a waitlist. Because we are a training clinic, services are not guaranteed. However, we always try to provide campus and/or community referrals if we cannot provide you with services or meet your needs in a timely manner.
If you are a current client, feel free to discuss at any time any questions you may have about your care with your assigned student therapist or evaluator or our administrative staff. It is our privilege to work with you and we will do our best to make your experience here a favorable one for you and your loved ones.
The University of Tennessee Psychological Clinic waitlist for adult and child assessment is open. We are still adding to our child therapy waitlist.